About Us

MedicFundMe is a dedicated medical fundraising and crowdfunding platform, connecting people and causes.

Total campaigns


Total funded


Current Campaigns


Our mission

Our mission at Medicfundme is to provide a compassionate and effective platform for individuals facing medical challenges. We connect patients, caregivers, and donors to facilitate financial assistance, emotional support, and resources needed to overcome health obstacles. Together, we aim to alleviate the burden of medical expenses and enable individuals to focus on their well-being and recovery.

We’ve assisted over 100 campaigns to fundraise more than ₦1M

Here’s what people are saying about us.

Awesome support team. They respond to my enquiries precisely!

Awesome support team. They respond to my enquiries precisely!
Awesome service by MedicFundMe, They served as a connection between me and donors.

Awesome service by MedicFundMe, They served as a connection between me and donors.
Awesome service
Was sceptical of using their services earlier but after speaking to their team and giving ...

Was sceptical of using their services earlier but after speaking to their team and giving it a try I've been totally impressed

Easy, Reliable, Secure.

Easy Setup

You can set up an account as easy as ABC.

Donor Protection

We don’t save nor share donor data, Donate anonymously.

Huge Commiunity

Fundraised over ₦1M in total for campaigns.


Website secured by Cloudflare, Sectigo and Paystack gateway.